Thursday, February 28, 2013

Things I'm looking forward to

Besides the obvious baby, there are so many things I am looking forward to

-Being able to take a full breath
-A large bottle of Mt. Dew
-Being able to walk again (I don't even waddle, I kind of scoot)
-Wearing normal clothes
-Not swollen hands
-Sleeping all night and not having to use the bathroom (me and Andy switch nights with baby so I WILL be getting full nights of sleep)
-Hot bath
-Bras not cutting into my stomach and preventing breathing
-Not having a ninja trying to cripple me from the inside
-No more back pain
-No more braxton hicks
-Being able to stand for normal amounts of time without getting dizzy
-Taking cold medicine or pain medicine when needed (like now)
-Being able to stand back up from a sitting or laying down position without taking 5 minutes (especially helpful at work!)
-Crossing my arms
-Sleeping on my back and stomach
-Carrying Sawyer without having to move his legs into weird spots
-Not having people ask "are you allowed to eat/drink that?" (sorry this isn't 1985 and they actually researched since then)
-Not being tired all day
-Bending over to pick up things
-Not having to drink/use the bathroom ridiculous amounts
-Saving money on water bottles (I can taste the difference)

I'm sure if I think for more than 10 minutes I can come up with a hundred more.  Just a few more weeks though!


  1. Ditto. took the words RIGHT out of my mouth with 99% of those. Except that Lee and I don't switch nights cuz I nurse lol.... Aaaah boy.

  2. As I read your list, I am reminded about how much mothers sacrifice for wee babies to be born. As your new little ninja's grandma, I just want to say thanks for your willingness to experience ALLLL of the discomfort and inconvenience that you encounter every minute of every day for our new little baby boy. I had such easy pregnancies that seemed to go so quickly for me. I remember being 8 months pregnant with Andy and one lady was happy to learn that I was pregnant and then she almost lost her teeth (she was old) when she found out I was 8 months pregnant. She was kinda a busy-body and wanted to know everyone's business, so I walked away quite smug that she didn't know. lol.

  3. My favorite from your list is not having a ninja cripple me from the inside. Lol!
