I don't know why I found this so funny, and it was probably a "you had to be there moment" but I was cracking up.
I told Andy, "I'm excited to have a tiny baby."
Sawyer says "That's not a tiny baby mommy, that's chicken nuggets!"
We were both confused for a minute, but apparently a McDonald's commercial was on and he thought I was talking about that. I was laughing pretty hard because it is classic Sawyer, he is such a know-it-all! He argues with me all the time!
Another smart-alec thing he does often now. "Mommy, say yes" I know not to fall for that anymore. He will go do something he normally can't do without permission (get my phone, get a snack, etc) then when I go "hey!" he points out "You said yes." He will do this between parents too like after I said "yes" he will go to Andy and say "I play on your phonel? Mommy said yes" to trick Andy into letting him. He's even done it without asking me first and going straight to Andy and telling him I said yes when he never even asked! I can't believe he figured out this teenage trick at 2 1/2.
That is hilarious! Wow is he ever a smartie! Yes, you are in for a lot of adventures with Sawyer!