Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Engineer

It looks like someone's on track to be like his uncle.  We have some sort of engineer here.

We were at Joanns yesterday and Sawyer found a little kit of foam cars to build and asked to get them.  I had a 50% off an item coupon so I let him get them.  Ok, I would have let him get it anyway because I'm a pushover and think he's so cute, but let's just pretend it was because of the coupon.  He gets so proud when he gets new things and marches around showing everyone in the store.  He ended up making a friend with a little 4 (or so) year old and she said now that she knows his name he's invited to her birthday party (adorable).

We got home and busted out the kit.  I realized it said age 6+ but let's be honest, he hasn't tried to stick stuff in his mouth for over a year so he's fine.  I think they were trying to warn you that small kids would lose the axles, because that has been the case- I've found them all over the house already.  I spilled it all out and we tried to build a car at the same time.  He was having a bit of trouble at first figuring out what order to do things, but he built all the rest of the cars all by himself...he was even able to get the stickers off the back of the numbers.

He even took it a step further and used the number sticker strips to turn one into an airplane ("It can fly now, mommy!")  little smarty pants. I would not have thought of that.

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