Thursday, February 7, 2013

A "vacation" day

I had 4 days left of vacation from last year, and you have to use them by March.  Since babies are unpredictable, I didn't know when this one would plan on arriving, so I played it safe and used them all up for February.  One today for no reason, 2 next week for Valentine's/my birthday, and 1 the next Wednesday for a mid-week break.

This morning Sawyer decided to wake up earlier than normal, 7am.  I wasn't having it on my day off, so I turned on Sprout and went back to sleep.  At about 8 he woke me up because he wanted to go downstairs so I moved the baby gate.  At about 8:45 he brought me some cream cheese and asked for a bagel.  I told him to hold on.  He said "I do it" so I told him he'd better not touch any knives.  I heard the drawer open downstairs so I went right down, afraid he was going to get a knife and try to do it himself.  Nope, just a spoon- I went down and found this:

He had got the bagel out and split in half, opened the cream cheese, moved his step stool, and was attempting to spread the cream cheese with the wooden spoon.  "I use poon!"  Ok, you win.  I finished it up for him.

I hopped in the shower and we headed to meet Andy at work in Auburn.  I told Sawyer we were going to see daddy and he goes "and Kyndyl, and the store, and doctor, and beach!" he kept saying that.  I had never told him we were going to the doctor today but I regret telling him we are going to the beach next week because he keeps asking.  It is funny he assumed the store and knew Kyndyl is at daddy's work.  We got to Andy's work and Sawyer loved the office ladies as usual, I got to have a good talk with Krissy about the rugby team, and we headed off...after a quick "drive" by Sawyer.

We haven't had fast food in almost 3 weeks now :)  That is like, some sort of record for us I think. Like I said before, we aren't following a strict diet anymore, but we are trying to eat better as a whole and allow for treats.  Today was a special day, so we headed to Big Daddy's drive-in.  I don't think I've been there specifically, but my very first house, the one I lived at from age 0-2 was right by there.  It is one of the few memories I have of my old house, the sight of the sign as we drove by.

We ate there, and it did not disappoint!  Sawyer even ate all his food (grilled cheese and fries).

Afterwards, I asked if we could drive by my old house.  I still remember it :)  Though I think they painted it because I remember it being tan.

We went home and since it was such a nice day and  I have to drive people tomorrow (and want to avoid embarrassment), I decided to clean out the car.  It was a huge task and took a few hours :(  It was definitely satisfying when I was done though, but I was SUPER tired and sore.  Sawyer played with his garage toys for the first time in forever since it was actually kind of warm today (as long as you were in the sun) and I found out he finally figured out how to steer his power wheel.

I had to sit with a bunch of crap on the driveway for a little bit because I was exhausted lol.  When I was finally done, Sawyer had climbed into his stroller and asked to go for a ride. Boo.  The last thing I wanted to do was attempt to walk, but since I am so nice we went to walk to the neighborhood park (since I hadn't been there yet).  I was SO sore by just getting to the top of the hill :(  we made it though, and he had fun on the slide until the sun started to set and it got chilly.

It was only 45 minutes until we had to leave, so we sat on the couch.  Then, lucky for me (not) Sawyer fell asleep only 20 minutes before we had to leave.  Carrying a 30lb limp kid is no fun while prego.  We met Andy at the doctor and I felt bad because Sawyer slept the whole time and he has been asking for the doctor for days.  Anyway, baby heartbeat was normal, I actually lost .4 lbs since 2 weeks ago (probably because of our better eating) and Andy and I got matching TDaP shots!  Yay for not giving babies whooping cough!  I was due for my tetnis booster anyway.  I also asked the Dr about baby "dropping" since I've had about 4 people ask me in the last week and I don't remember it happening with Sawyer and she said it doesn't always (I didn't with Sawyer) and she said rarely does it happen with the second anyway until you're in labor so don't expect it.  Meh, ok.  I feel like I should wear a sign to work "Due late March/early April.  Boy.  2nd child. Hasn't dropped. Yes, we're excited." since every stranger asks me the same dang questions like it matters to them.

Our next week's vacation should be more "fun stuff" than today :)  I can't wait!  Time is just flying by and each new thing to look forward to makes it even faster.


  1. Sawyer's attempt to spread the cream cheese is just delightful! The fact that you said "no knives" and he remembered and was using a spoon to be obedient reminded me so much of Andy who was completely obedient when he a was a little guy. Sawyer is so smart and his memory is keen, of course I'm not telling you anything new lol. Thanks for the post and the pictures, the one of Sawyer in the truck is just the best. I will definitely show it to Sam I know he will love it too!

  2. Love the giant wooden spoon to spread cream cheese!

    I don't remember "dropping" with Everett but this time there is no doubt. It's like she's digging her way out and I can feel everything. Good job eating healthy and not gaining too much weight... I'm like twice your size and I can't stop eating...
