Besides the obvious baby, there are so many things I am looking forward to
-Being able to take a full breath
-A large bottle of Mt. Dew
-Being able to walk again (I don't even waddle, I kind of scoot)
-Wearing normal clothes
-Not swollen hands
-Sleeping all night and not having to use the bathroom (me and Andy switch nights with baby so I WILL be getting full nights of sleep)
-Hot bath
-Bras not cutting into my stomach and preventing breathing
-Not having a ninja trying to cripple me from the inside
-No more back pain
-No more braxton hicks
-Being able to stand for normal amounts of time without getting dizzy
-Taking cold medicine or pain medicine when needed (like now)
-Being able to stand back up from a sitting or laying down position without taking 5 minutes (especially helpful at work!)
-Crossing my arms
-Sleeping on my back and stomach
-Carrying Sawyer without having to move his legs into weird spots
-Not having people ask "are you allowed to eat/drink that?" (sorry this isn't 1985 and they actually researched since then)
-Not being tired all day
-Bending over to pick up things
-Not having to drink/use the bathroom ridiculous amounts
-Saving money on water bottles (I can taste the difference)
I'm sure if I think for more than 10 minutes I can come up with a hundred more. Just a few more weeks though!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sick again
Sawyer has been sick since Friday. Though the worst of his fever was gone by Saturday night, he has had this awful cough and runny nose. This darn cough wakes him up at night...then he ends up in our bed without us even noticing...then he coughs and coughs and wakes us up too. I found him sleeping at the end of our bed like a dog one night when I woke up at 3am to go to the bathroom. He usually goes to Andy's side and Andy, being incredibly tired, just loads him in our bed without knowing he does it. My face has been coughed on so many times, it is gross!
Last night we found somewhat of a winning combo. We got some children's vapor rub stuff, and bought a humidifier (we borrowed some enough it was time to buy one). He lasted until 4am, then went back to bed until it was time to leave for work at 8:30- phew! He napped a total of 6 hours yesterday, so that was a relief that he actually slept.
This morning as I was driving to work, I felt like I was about to pass out (it's happened enough times in my life that I know how the pre-fainting feeling is) I almost pulled over but just drove all the way. It happened again at work (sitting), and when I would stand for more than a few minutes I felt like my legs would collapse. That isn't completely weird at this point, I have like 30 extra lbs on me and an adorable parasite (in the most lovingly way to use that word hehe) inside sucking out my energy. Well, as the day came to a close my body started hurting and I realized that all that coughing in my face caught up. UGH. As if I wasn't having enough other problems (back ache, extreme pelvis pains- they pop if I roll over in bed and wake me up, exhaustion, blah blah blah)
Sawyer has been SO difficult when he has been sick. It is so hard to keep patient because I know how sad of shape he is in, but he will scream/cry for the dumbest things "DADDY CLEANED MY HANDS!" (okayyyyy?) "I DON'T WANT BO-NANA!" (then don't eat the banana) "ITS NOT SLEEPY TIME, ITS WAKE UP TIME" (I never said you had to go to bed). I want to throw a tantrum because I am in sad shape myself and can't have screaming. Andy has been so good and taking care of him though, I am so grateful he is around.
There have been a couple things keeping us sane. I let Sawyer watch Spongebob last week (usually he watches on demand or Sprout) and they have commercials. Of course he sees a Cars drifters track. He asked for it every day since. He has been in such sad shape so we went and got it for him and he LOVES this thing. It is pretty cool though. You can build different tracks and the tiny cars drift around because they are balancing on one ball instead of wheels.
He also watched a lot of Sprout- I feel like he looks like an old guy with a beer here and it cracks me up.
My parents got back from Florida and brought me Harry Potter cups from the theme park- and I even got to try fizzing whizzbees! Yum :) I just wish I got to try some of their butterbeer! You have to go the the theme park for that.
That's whats up with the Monsons at the moment. I can't believe that Sawyer would be here in 2 1/2 weeks at this point- I feel like we are not ready since time has just gone too fast, but everything is ready to go. Here is 35 weeks...looking at this picture makes me gag lol. My poor tummy has been slathered in cocoa butter for 30 weeks now, but I feel like it's about to give at this point.
Last night we found somewhat of a winning combo. We got some children's vapor rub stuff, and bought a humidifier (we borrowed some enough it was time to buy one). He lasted until 4am, then went back to bed until it was time to leave for work at 8:30- phew! He napped a total of 6 hours yesterday, so that was a relief that he actually slept.
This morning as I was driving to work, I felt like I was about to pass out (it's happened enough times in my life that I know how the pre-fainting feeling is) I almost pulled over but just drove all the way. It happened again at work (sitting), and when I would stand for more than a few minutes I felt like my legs would collapse. That isn't completely weird at this point, I have like 30 extra lbs on me and an adorable parasite (in the most lovingly way to use that word hehe) inside sucking out my energy. Well, as the day came to a close my body started hurting and I realized that all that coughing in my face caught up. UGH. As if I wasn't having enough other problems (back ache, extreme pelvis pains- they pop if I roll over in bed and wake me up, exhaustion, blah blah blah)
Sawyer has been SO difficult when he has been sick. It is so hard to keep patient because I know how sad of shape he is in, but he will scream/cry for the dumbest things "DADDY CLEANED MY HANDS!" (okayyyyy?) "I DON'T WANT BO-NANA!" (then don't eat the banana) "ITS NOT SLEEPY TIME, ITS WAKE UP TIME" (I never said you had to go to bed). I want to throw a tantrum because I am in sad shape myself and can't have screaming. Andy has been so good and taking care of him though, I am so grateful he is around.
There have been a couple things keeping us sane. I let Sawyer watch Spongebob last week (usually he watches on demand or Sprout) and they have commercials. Of course he sees a Cars drifters track. He asked for it every day since. He has been in such sad shape so we went and got it for him and he LOVES this thing. It is pretty cool though. You can build different tracks and the tiny cars drift around because they are balancing on one ball instead of wheels.
He also watched a lot of Sprout- I feel like he looks like an old guy with a beer here and it cracks me up.
My parents got back from Florida and brought me Harry Potter cups from the theme park- and I even got to try fizzing whizzbees! Yum :) I just wish I got to try some of their butterbeer! You have to go the the theme park for that.
That's whats up with the Monsons at the moment. I can't believe that Sawyer would be here in 2 1/2 weeks at this point- I feel like we are not ready since time has just gone too fast, but everything is ready to go. Here is 35 weeks...looking at this picture makes me gag lol. My poor tummy has been slathered in cocoa butter for 30 weeks now, but I feel like it's about to give at this point.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Fancy shoes
Andy went to the running store today to get proper shoes. They find shoes based on your foot shape and how you stand and run. Andy got a new pair of Asics (his old shoes were worn through and he was starting to get pain on his long runs). It's funny because they have you run around the store to make sure they are good for you. We are fans of the Sounders colors they happened to come in too. They had running capris on sale so I got a couple pairs to use in a couple months. The nike ones even have tiny zipper pockets to hold a key or two or your Gu. The cool thing about this place is that if you don't like them and the shoes hurt you within 30 days, you can exchange them completely worn for a different style. He thinks he'll like these though, he used Asics before and these feel awesome.
When we were back home we started the overhaul on our room. Andy has had his clothes in piles forever because we didn't really have anywhere to put it. We made a ton of progress, but not quite done. I think we'll need more hangers. We had to get it organized though since bebe will be living in our room for awhile while he eats during the night, and need space opened for the pack n' play and a rocking chair. We are not fans of having to leave the room at 3am lol. I will post after photos when we actually finish. All of the clothes are either squished into the closet and 2 dressers, but there are still other things we just had stored in there that we will have to move.
Here is his exploded piles while trying to organize them
Here is a picture of my work shirts- it is hard to tell, but I have 50 of them! Most of them fit weird though so I never wear them...I have about 10 that I will rotate around, even fewer that I wear often. I don't like button-ups as much as the cardigans (though I do have like 20 cardigans there lol)
When we were back home we started the overhaul on our room. Andy has had his clothes in piles forever because we didn't really have anywhere to put it. We made a ton of progress, but not quite done. I think we'll need more hangers. We had to get it organized though since bebe will be living in our room for awhile while he eats during the night, and need space opened for the pack n' play and a rocking chair. We are not fans of having to leave the room at 3am lol. I will post after photos when we actually finish. All of the clothes are either squished into the closet and 2 dressers, but there are still other things we just had stored in there that we will have to move.
Here is his exploded piles while trying to organize them
Here is a picture of my work shirts- it is hard to tell, but I have 50 of them! Most of them fit weird though so I never wear them...I have about 10 that I will rotate around, even fewer that I wear often. I don't like button-ups as much as the cardigans (though I do have like 20 cardigans there lol)
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Quick Seattle Trip
Sawyer has been sick these last 2 days (fever and even threw up yesterday, cough and runny nose today) and he wouldn't go take a nap today so we decided to drive up to Seattle to get him to sleep in his car seat. It worked right away :)
We didn't give ourselves much time before the sun went down, so first we stopped to look at the boats in Ballard, and check out the Leif Erickson statue in honor of Scandinavian ancestry (yay us!)
The sun was setting so we went over to gas works park before it got completely dark. These pics are kind of crappy quality since it was pretty dark out at this point (sorry). Better than my phone though.
Next we went to Dick's (YUM) then headed to Tacoma to drive around. We stopped by the Carter's store and got some newborn outfits. Sawyer was born in the summer (end of June) and I realized that we have like no warmer outfits from him since he stayed either naked or just in a short-sleeved onesie when he was new. We also hit up the clearance rack since they usually have $4 jammies and Sawyer needed some in the next size up. He got 3 pairs.
To make the day better, I found out the union and company came to an agreement so we won't have to strike! The company will also give each of us covered in this contract $1,000 (yeah, all 20,000 of us lol) so we get a nice little bonus in the next few weeks. Hoping Andy will let me keep it for myself so I can get a new camera to snap millions of pics of little Kellan. We will see though. Yay for finally getting to pay off some long-time bills with the tax return now! Phew!
We didn't give ourselves much time before the sun went down, so first we stopped to look at the boats in Ballard, and check out the Leif Erickson statue in honor of Scandinavian ancestry (yay us!)
The sun was setting so we went over to gas works park before it got completely dark. These pics are kind of crappy quality since it was pretty dark out at this point (sorry). Better than my phone though.
Next we went to Dick's (YUM) then headed to Tacoma to drive around. We stopped by the Carter's store and got some newborn outfits. Sawyer was born in the summer (end of June) and I realized that we have like no warmer outfits from him since he stayed either naked or just in a short-sleeved onesie when he was new. We also hit up the clearance rack since they usually have $4 jammies and Sawyer needed some in the next size up. He got 3 pairs.
To make the day better, I found out the union and company came to an agreement so we won't have to strike! The company will also give each of us covered in this contract $1,000 (yeah, all 20,000 of us lol) so we get a nice little bonus in the next few weeks. Hoping Andy will let me keep it for myself so I can get a new camera to snap millions of pics of little Kellan. We will see though. Yay for finally getting to pay off some long-time bills with the tax return now! Phew!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Mood swings
No, not me, Sawyer.
One minute he is the cutest thing. He'll come over, say "I love you so much mommy" and kiss me (or Andy), say I look pretty or that he likes my shirt. When I am sad he comes over and says "don't be sad, be happy! It's ok mommy!" Today at the doctor office when it was heartbeat time he stopped playing with the toys for a second, looked at the doctor, and whispered "that's baby brother!" and yesterday Andy helped him feel him wiggling and tell him he loved him and he looked at me and said "he's not talking back to me!" with the most puzzled look on his face. He can say the cutest things, like when something is big, he says its "huge-mongous". He is always pretty polite and says please and thank you.
The next minute, he can turn into a little devil. His new favorite phrase is "I don't want ______ ANYMORE!" (insert anything from "to eat" to "change clothes" to "ride in the cart") He says this several times a day. He won't go anywhere we want him to anymore unless we threaten the super-lame "well I guess we'll leave and you can just stay by yourself, all alone." And he has started peeing his pants again! He was completely potty trained, but in the past week or so he has peed his pants or pull ups like 6 times!
I really don't think he realizes that a baby is coming to live with us, so I don't think that's it. It must just be terrible twos. Not to mention he ends up in our bed every single morning (sometimes early, sometimes he ends up there after Andy leaves). I don't know what to do!
Don't get me wrong, I just love the little guy (even when he's a pill), I'm really just super nervous to have two of these handfuls! If I've learned anything about adulthood it's that nobody really knows what they're doing- you just kind of go along doing the best you can...and I guess that's what we'll have to keep doing and trust it will turn out ok! Luckily we just have to worry about a little crying squishy for awhile, which is honestly a lot easier than a talking-back toddler. Plus little squishies just lay there and let you cuddle them, even when they are in bad moods :)
One minute he is the cutest thing. He'll come over, say "I love you so much mommy" and kiss me (or Andy), say I look pretty or that he likes my shirt. When I am sad he comes over and says "don't be sad, be happy! It's ok mommy!" Today at the doctor office when it was heartbeat time he stopped playing with the toys for a second, looked at the doctor, and whispered "that's baby brother!" and yesterday Andy helped him feel him wiggling and tell him he loved him and he looked at me and said "he's not talking back to me!" with the most puzzled look on his face. He can say the cutest things, like when something is big, he says its "huge-mongous". He is always pretty polite and says please and thank you.
The next minute, he can turn into a little devil. His new favorite phrase is "I don't want ______ ANYMORE!" (insert anything from "to eat" to "change clothes" to "ride in the cart") He says this several times a day. He won't go anywhere we want him to anymore unless we threaten the super-lame "well I guess we'll leave and you can just stay by yourself, all alone." And he has started peeing his pants again! He was completely potty trained, but in the past week or so he has peed his pants or pull ups like 6 times!
I really don't think he realizes that a baby is coming to live with us, so I don't think that's it. It must just be terrible twos. Not to mention he ends up in our bed every single morning (sometimes early, sometimes he ends up there after Andy leaves). I don't know what to do!
Don't get me wrong, I just love the little guy (even when he's a pill), I'm really just super nervous to have two of these handfuls! If I've learned anything about adulthood it's that nobody really knows what they're doing- you just kind of go along doing the best you can...and I guess that's what we'll have to keep doing and trust it will turn out ok! Luckily we just have to worry about a little crying squishy for awhile, which is honestly a lot easier than a talking-back toddler. Plus little squishies just lay there and let you cuddle them, even when they are in bad moods :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Running for reals
Two posts in one day! I was off today though so I have an excuse.
Anyway, I just signed Andy and myself up for the Leavenworth Oktoberfest marathon! Yes, Andy will be attempting the full marathon! I will be doing the half. The training schedules lined up perfectly if he finds another half to do this summer, then do a full in October.
I know he can do it. Frankly, I am more worried about me going half the distance than him since he is such a good runner, and we all know how I am. I am so jealous he could pick up and run 5 miles when he is out of shape, but I struggle with 3 when I am in really good shape :( My forte is stop-sprint-stop-sprint and agility stuff (which is why I like mud runs and rugby hah). Those small breaks give me the energy back to go full-force again, where long distance runners tend to need to keep a pace. I honestly just plan on walking if it is taking too much out of me and I won't be disappointed in myself or anything.
The recovery with Sawyer wasn't easy. They say you shouldn't exercise until 6 weeks post-baby (even if you feel fine, your uterus could fall), but I was still in quite a bit of pain at that point with him and could never go for a jog. I'm hoping I don't have the issues this time around that Sawyer caused because he came out so fast (nothing had time to stretch properly as a normal person should, and even with doctor intervention it didn't help), but they said the next should be just as fast. Maybe I'll get lucky though :)
I mainly signed up to give myself some sort of exercise goal to keep me pushing my hardest and get the baby weight off. If I can even just run 5 miles straight I will be really proud of myself. Andy has a big goal too, and I will be so proud when he finishes. I will definitely have to get him a "26.2" sticker for the car window :) Maybe I can get myself the "13.1 because I'm only half crazy" one :D
Anyway, I just signed Andy and myself up for the Leavenworth Oktoberfest marathon! Yes, Andy will be attempting the full marathon! I will be doing the half. The training schedules lined up perfectly if he finds another half to do this summer, then do a full in October.
I know he can do it. Frankly, I am more worried about me going half the distance than him since he is such a good runner, and we all know how I am. I am so jealous he could pick up and run 5 miles when he is out of shape, but I struggle with 3 when I am in really good shape :( My forte is stop-sprint-stop-sprint and agility stuff (which is why I like mud runs and rugby hah). Those small breaks give me the energy back to go full-force again, where long distance runners tend to need to keep a pace. I honestly just plan on walking if it is taking too much out of me and I won't be disappointed in myself or anything.
The recovery with Sawyer wasn't easy. They say you shouldn't exercise until 6 weeks post-baby (even if you feel fine, your uterus could fall), but I was still in quite a bit of pain at that point with him and could never go for a jog. I'm hoping I don't have the issues this time around that Sawyer caused because he came out so fast (nothing had time to stretch properly as a normal person should, and even with doctor intervention it didn't help), but they said the next should be just as fast. Maybe I'll get lucky though :)
I mainly signed up to give myself some sort of exercise goal to keep me pushing my hardest and get the baby weight off. If I can even just run 5 miles straight I will be really proud of myself. Andy has a big goal too, and I will be so proud when he finishes. I will definitely have to get him a "26.2" sticker for the car window :) Maybe I can get myself the "13.1 because I'm only half crazy" one :D
Little Engineer
It looks like someone's on track to be like his uncle. We have some sort of engineer here.
We were at Joanns yesterday and Sawyer found a little kit of foam cars to build and asked to get them. I had a 50% off an item coupon so I let him get them. Ok, I would have let him get it anyway because I'm a pushover and think he's so cute, but let's just pretend it was because of the coupon. He gets so proud when he gets new things and marches around showing everyone in the store. He ended up making a friend with a little 4 (or so) year old and she said now that she knows his name he's invited to her birthday party (adorable).
We got home and busted out the kit. I realized it said age 6+ but let's be honest, he hasn't tried to stick stuff in his mouth for over a year so he's fine. I think they were trying to warn you that small kids would lose the axles, because that has been the case- I've found them all over the house already. I spilled it all out and we tried to build a car at the same time. He was having a bit of trouble at first figuring out what order to do things, but he built all the rest of the cars all by himself...he was even able to get the stickers off the back of the numbers.
He even took it a step further and used the number sticker strips to turn one into an airplane ("It can fly now, mommy!") little smarty pants. I would not have thought of that.
We were at Joanns yesterday and Sawyer found a little kit of foam cars to build and asked to get them. I had a 50% off an item coupon so I let him get them. Ok, I would have let him get it anyway because I'm a pushover and think he's so cute, but let's just pretend it was because of the coupon. He gets so proud when he gets new things and marches around showing everyone in the store. He ended up making a friend with a little 4 (or so) year old and she said now that she knows his name he's invited to her birthday party (adorable).
We got home and busted out the kit. I realized it said age 6+ but let's be honest, he hasn't tried to stick stuff in his mouth for over a year so he's fine. I think they were trying to warn you that small kids would lose the axles, because that has been the case- I've found them all over the house already. I spilled it all out and we tried to build a car at the same time. He was having a bit of trouble at first figuring out what order to do things, but he built all the rest of the cars all by himself...he was even able to get the stickers off the back of the numbers.
He even took it a step further and used the number sticker strips to turn one into an airplane ("It can fly now, mommy!") little smarty pants. I would not have thought of that.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Valentine's Day Birthday vacation
This is going to be way too long as usual, have too many pictures, and probably be all over the place as usual, but it covers a lot so here goes. Oh, before I start, I wanted to let all my crafty friends know we are getting a Hobby Lobby in Federal Way at the end of March which is exciting because you can never have too many craft stores!
Ok first things first. Valentine's day. We got up and I got a balloon and flowers and I gave Andy a set of glasses he had mentioned one time and I was a good wifey and remembered. We headed to Black Angus to use my free dinner coupon and meet my mom since we wouldn't be home on time for my actual birthday.
We headed across the street for Andy to finish up my present (earrings and a dish to hold my jewelry on the bathroom counter) and had enough time to manage Sawyer to trip over my shoe trying to run in front of me and fall on the pavement...with perfect placement to ram his forehead into the curb for a lovely scratched up bump for the rest of the weekend. We headed straight to Westport.
Westport is a little fishing town. The houses are all decorated in kind of a dingy mariner theme with old buoys and nets, there is a port with tons of fishing boats, a little strip of shops, and is one of the main surfing spots (why anyone would surf in the ocean up here is beyond me though). We got to our hotel, Chateau Westport (one of my favorite childhood destinations) and the first thing Sawyer did is call everyone he could think of: Mcqueen, The King, Chick Hicks, Buzz, Woody, Grandma, etc. It was pretty funny, but we had to disconnect the phone from the wall.
The weather was super foggy and so we hit up the pool. I'm not sure the logic because if anyone says the word "bath", Sawyer will sprint up to the tub. However, any other type of water freaks him out. He wouldn't even go close to the pool, but we went in and let him play with his toys because we had his lifejacket. Slowly, we got him to put his feet in. Eventually, we would toss his toys way in and Andy would carry him over to time he got lower and lower in the water and we were so proud when he got all the way in!
The little town doesn't really have any food options after 8:00 besides a couple bars, so we had to head to nearby Aberdeen (home of Nirvana...the band, not the state of being) to find food that night.
The next day we went and played on the beach. We were definitely the "goosebumped beach bum" from that Pemco commercial. Sawyer LOVED it though. He always says "I love the beach!" when he sees it on TV.
Next we headed to town for food and found a nice little restaurant...and got there just in time! She locked the door behind us because they only open for breakfast and lunch in the slow season.
Of course I had to get a bubblegum waffle cone, as always in Westport.
We went to look at the boats
Then got back to our room for an awesome view of the sunset
Ok first things first. Valentine's day. We got up and I got a balloon and flowers and I gave Andy a set of glasses he had mentioned one time and I was a good wifey and remembered. We headed to Black Angus to use my free dinner coupon and meet my mom since we wouldn't be home on time for my actual birthday.
We headed across the street for Andy to finish up my present (earrings and a dish to hold my jewelry on the bathroom counter) and had enough time to manage Sawyer to trip over my shoe trying to run in front of me and fall on the pavement...with perfect placement to ram his forehead into the curb for a lovely scratched up bump for the rest of the weekend. We headed straight to Westport.
Westport is a little fishing town. The houses are all decorated in kind of a dingy mariner theme with old buoys and nets, there is a port with tons of fishing boats, a little strip of shops, and is one of the main surfing spots (why anyone would surf in the ocean up here is beyond me though). We got to our hotel, Chateau Westport (one of my favorite childhood destinations) and the first thing Sawyer did is call everyone he could think of: Mcqueen, The King, Chick Hicks, Buzz, Woody, Grandma, etc. It was pretty funny, but we had to disconnect the phone from the wall.
The weather was super foggy and so we hit up the pool. I'm not sure the logic because if anyone says the word "bath", Sawyer will sprint up to the tub. However, any other type of water freaks him out. He wouldn't even go close to the pool, but we went in and let him play with his toys because we had his lifejacket. Slowly, we got him to put his feet in. Eventually, we would toss his toys way in and Andy would carry him over to time he got lower and lower in the water and we were so proud when he got all the way in!
The little town doesn't really have any food options after 8:00 besides a couple bars, so we had to head to nearby Aberdeen (home of Nirvana...the band, not the state of being) to find food that night.
The next day we went and played on the beach. We were definitely the "goosebumped beach bum" from that Pemco commercial. Sawyer LOVED it though. He always says "I love the beach!" when he sees it on TV.
I don't know why he made this face- it looks like he is talking but he really was just making this face |
It was funny because the sky was gray when we got there, but then turned blue and sunny! Here is the beach, which doubled as Andy's running trail! He ran 4 miles Friday and 12 miles Saturday all on the beach!
Next we headed to town for food and found a nice little restaurant...and got there just in time! She locked the door behind us because they only open for breakfast and lunch in the slow season.
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Sawyer was excited to show people his "happy cake" |
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Our view out the window |
Of course I had to get a bubblegum waffle cone, as always in Westport.
We went to look at the boats
Then got back to our room for an awesome view of the sunset
Afterwards we headed back to the pool. Sawyer was so much more brave this time! Here is the first thing he did, we are so proud of him.
Afterwards we headed back to Aberdeen for food. It was a good day!
The next day was check-out day, and also my birthday! It was not so awesome though :( We had planned to go down the coast to Astoria and Seaside, then head over to the outlets and Portland. Somewhere the communication went haywire. Andy asked if I wanted to go the short or scenic way to (apparently Portland). I thought he meant Astoria, and Sawyer answered "scenic" for me which I thought was sufficient. We had been driving for at least an hour when I was wondering where we were. Apparently he thought I didn't care and was heading to i-5. I didn't want to drive another 2 hours just for the outlets since I never find anything anyway and got so upset we were missing half my birthday and just wanted to go home. Well he didn't catch that part because he started driving us back to the coast. I was again, so upset when I found that out since we had gone WAY out of the way and it is very uncomfortable riding in the car at this stage. We kept driving though and ended up in Astoria. One good thing of that day- awesome fish and chips and a little pub on the water.
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A ship drove by while we were eating (that's the columbia river) |
We headed the 15 minutes down to one of my favorite cities, Seaside Oregon. We were lucky enough to get about a half hour of fun on the beach (the only other good thing about this day).
I thought we could turn the day around and stay there for the night, visit the shops in the morning, and head over to Portland the next day. Nope. EVERY. single. room. was. booked. This town has tons of hotels, but apparently the holiday weekend mixed with some teenage girl basketball tournament left no rooms. We found ONE room (their last one), but it was $210 which was more than we paid for 2 nights at Westport and couldn't justify spending that much for a bed. So...super upset again...we headed home. We got home at like 11 that night. We must have spent 8 hours in the car :(
We tried to make ourselves feel better and got this at Walmart on the drive home.
Yes, we drank the milk out of the carton. No, we did not eat all those cupcakes (we only had one each.)
Today we went to Bellevue to make up for my birthday. We went to Cheesecake Factory and had the best burger of my life (mac and cheese burger) and got my present- a new Denali jacket (breast cancer version) since my old one was a knock off and was too thin to be worth much anymore- I love my new one! We even got lucky, they didn't have my size on the wall, but Andy asked if they had any in back...they did! Which was good luck because she said "usually we don't but I'll check for you just in case." Phew!
This weekend had its ups and downs, but it seems to happen every year. I always have some sort of disappointment on either Valentine's Day or my birthday :( I'm sad our vacation is over too. I still have one day left this Wednesday, then just looking forward to my 10 weeks off with the new baby!
Oh, before I forget, this came this weekend too. The season ticket box...which they screwed up and sent us the scan cards instead of tickets. Not a fan of the scarves this year. It looks so much better when everyone holds up green ones, not blue.
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