Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's day 2013

Today I spent mothers day with my favorite little nuggets.  I love them so much!   Later we went to my parent's house to try out the pulled pork that Erik and Destiny will have at their wedding reception.

It is blurry, but he slipped and made this hilarious face

This is how he covers his ears- so funny!  An airplane was really loud.

Racing uncle Erik

A pretty flower in my mom's yard

He made Destiny kick the ball at him while he stood there with his face covered...weirdo lol

Sawyer plays with my old "Little People" they still exist but are like 3x this size now

Showing off his tower- it is taller than he is

He ended with his favorite- strawberry milk.  Though this is Pediasure because he doesn't eat very well :/
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there- especially mine! :)

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