Monday, October 1, 2012


This is 3 small posts I thought weren't worthy of a full one on their own.

1. Cougs at the CLink

Saturday night we met the ferrellgas crew at Century Link field because WSU had their yearly game there.  They played the Oregon Ducks, which are number 2 in the nation...and well, the cougs aren't that great (though their school spirit could rival the best of 'em).  It was so warm during the day (in the 70's) that I only wore a sweatshirt and brought a northface.  Andy just had a sweatshirt.  We were up in the windy nosebleeds and it got so cold, we had to leave soon after the 3rd quarter started. (BTW, what the heck football, why you gotta take so long?  Soccer and rugby games would have been long done by the time halftime hit.  Add the breaks every 5 seconds and it is hard to hold your attention for that long.)  The cougs did well until halftime, where I assume the Ducks got a "WTF is going on, you should be destroying these guys" pep talk and started to turn it around.

2. New hat.

Janelle (the one that watches Sawyer) knows how to knit, and wants to start a little business.  I described to her an owl hat I wanted and she made the exact replica of the one I wanted. Kind of a weird angle, but it is super cute! It was all I could get out of him.

3. Baby Genius

My mom had some puzzles (age 3 and up) and she had Sawyer put them together.  I swear he has a photographic memory because he put everything in the exact right spot right away.  She then took all the pieces out and mixed them up, and had the boards on the floor and she would hand him pieces and he would go to the right spot immediately.  I think you have to watch it in action to see how skilled it looks.  I think I would take longer than that, and these aren't puzzles he had done a bunch and was used to them or anything.

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