Thursday, January 13, 2011

Living Room Swamp

I think you could surf our living room.

I didn't know a person so small could create so much saliva.  Anywhere you step, your foot gets wet.  I change Sawyer's clothes, and they are not only soaked down the front, but on the back and sleeves from rolling in it on the carpet.  I started putting a bib on him to absorb some.

Check out his 3rd shirt of the day. You could wring the front out:

Andy has been coughing up a storm for like a week now.  It is annoying when i wake up at night from it, but I don't blame him

Sawyer has a mix of a cold, and teeth that decide to come then go (not pop all the way through but one day i'll see little bumps and the next day they're gone).  He hardly has a voice at all which is convenient for us because he whines all the time and his cries don't make noise (the best kind!)  He keeps rolling to me too needing a lot of attention.  It has been harder to get him to sleep too, he has to nap on us downstairs, and at bedtime we pretty much have to leave him crying in his room until he falls asleep (we can tell he is tired he just doesn't want to sleep!)  He won't eat for the babysitters (but sleeps), but eats fine for us (but wont sleep).  He also coughs to the point that he chokes and gags pretty bad every now and then which is really sad.

I have a sore throat and congestion.  I cough-to-gag sometimes too.  Probably shouldn't have played soccer in like 0 degrees...

Good news: I get my car back tomorrow.  The guy figured out what was wrong.  It will be $310.  Good thing i didnt take it to a shop because it would have cost way more!  I also have to buy tabs for it.  And the tires are about to go.  I dont want that thing, i hate putting money into it, but buying a new one just wont work for a little while.  I guess the costs would be the same but i'd rather spend the money driving something reliable than  being afraid it will break on the way somewhere.

Also good news: With the St. Martin's refund check we were able to pay off our TV (we were basically only paying for the coverage plan this whole year), the jewelry bill from my earrings and fixing my pearls, the sounders season tickets (we waited until the last day lol good timing), the stupid hearing test we didnt need, photoshop, my car repairs, and bills for the month.  Our tanning also ran out this month so we wont have to pay for that anymore either.  With our tax refunds coming and this semester's refund check (that will be here probably the end of the month-ish) we should be able to pay off the doctor for sawyer's birth and circ, the computer, my mentoring (set aside for march), and hopefully a big chunk, if not all of my credit card (i may have put our sounders tickets and a lot of plane tickets on there :-/) This will be very freeing and maybe free up some money for a car! Sorry, mom lol.  She hates me spending more money because they are completely debt free (yes even their house) and thinks everyone can do it but i want a reliable car! THEN i will work at the debt-free thing lol.  I do hate bills though.

Alrighty well it is late and bed time and i am extra tired since it was inventory day. Gnite all!

1 comment:

  1. Jake has been coughing so bad too... he thought he might die the other night. I hope you all get better soon.

    p.s. I can't believe how much Sawyer drools! That's insane and totally cute.

    We are working on the debt free thing too... its SOOOOO hard.
