Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A few milestones

It looks like Sawyer is trying to reach a few milestones before he hits 7 months old (which is in a few days if you can believe it.)

Sunday we went to go get my car.  It didnt last.  It died a few stoplights down, and as i was waiting with Sawyer in the McD's as they push the car to the side of the road, i noticed he had a tooth.  This was legit, i felt it with my nail to make sure it was the hard part and not just a bump.  The big one is on the right side and the left one has a bump as well.

Now he has already mastered the pivot and roll.  I will look at the TV for a minute and he had managed to roll past me all the way from our front door to back by the garage door.  I thought ne wouldn't bother learning other modes of transportation since that was pretty effective, but last night I caught him scooting.  He rolls to get things far away, but i put a frog chewy just out of his reach and kept moving it back as he scooted to it.  Now when i was a baby i never learned to crawl, i learned to scoot and eventually walk at 10 months.  Idk what Sawyer has in store for us, but this might end up his new mode of moving for awhile.

As for an update, we went to the doctor and Sawyer is now using 97% of the capable oxygen in his lungs (not sure how to phrase that better) which means he is all better.  He breathes loud from his cold a little which they said is due to small airways making little bits of mucus sound really loud, but the croup is not there which is good to hear!

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