Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Half a year!

My smiley little man is 6 months old now! Happy Half birthday!!! (yesterday anyway)

An update for the distant relatives: He spends most of his day squealing now.  He will "talk" quite a bit, but he has learned to squeal so that is what he will do mostly lately.  He also has learned how to turn and rolly-polly his way around to get what he wants.  It is crazy because i will turn away for a second and he is across the room.  His favorite items to fetch are plastic bags unfortunately. He will smile back whenever someone smiles at him.  He also likes jumping in his jumperoo and dancing. He can push all the way up with his arms straight, and with his bum in the air with straight legs, but not at the same time.  If you hold under his arms he can take steps now which is an improvement because he used to just stand there.  He can sit, but gets excited easily and throws himself backwards a lot, or decides to try to eat his feet.  He drools a lot, but no teeth yet. He wears 6-9 month clothes, depending on the brand, but most shoes dont fit him (not that he wears them- he can't walk) because he's got little toes like me. I dont think there's anything else, except he finds everything he isnt supposed to have and plays with that instead.  Oh, we thought he might be allergic to strawberries since he got a little rash when he had the food with them in it, but my sister in law told us she found out babies arent supposed to eat things like strawberries that have seeds like that (like rasperries too) until at least 8 months so most babies get rashes from them (cooper did too), so we are hoping he isnt because they are tasty.  lol  I think that's all!

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