Sunday, December 26, 2010

First Christmas (long)

This is going to be super long, and I am sorry for that in advance, but I am using this blog to look back in the future, so it is all going in!  Here is the story for us 3 peas in a pod.

We have a tradition (not sure when it started, I think when my grandparents decided not to do Xmas at their house anymore) that my dad makes spaghetti on Xmas Eve. (Don't get offended, the X stands for the greek letter chi which is what christ starts with, so dont flip out on me quite yet for leaving out Jesus, even though xmas is really a pagan winter solstice holiday that christians changed when they started taking over europe to celebrate Jesus's April birthday to make the pagans want to convert more because they wouldnt lose their holidays *phew*) ANYWAY, we went over to my parents' house to eat after I got off work.  Andy had to work pretty late that day (both of us getting triple pay, YAY).  My parents gave Erik his present when we first got there because it was a Kinect and they wanted us to all play.  My 80-year-old grandpa even played which was awesome :) This is how much fun we had:

Me n Grandpa

Destiny n Andy
Sawyer on my mom's rocking horse

Erik n Dad

Andy n me

Erik n Grandpa

Mom n Dad

We had spaghetti, and then Sawyer got his present from his Grandma and Grandpa.  He was so good at unwrapping it! We just gave it to him, and he started peeling it off! He also got clothes and a dino from Aunt Destiny and Uncle Erik
Check out his sweet sweater i found at the V.V.

Present from g-ma and g-pa

i LOVE it!

Love this too

Here I go!
Christmas morning Sawyer woke up at 7, and I woke up to a text from him asking to open his presents.  He got a pile of DVD's since we dont have any kid DVD's (besides High School Musical and possibly Shrek).  He also gave us the present of sitting like a pro!  He could sit by himself, but then he would get excited after a bit and tip over or push himself back.  He now can correct himself and sit forever.  Which is nice because he can sit at his new toy from g-ma and g-pa forever and play. Here he is with the DVD's:

We showered and headed over to my parents for our usual Christmas breakfast.  I about died there was so much good things.  Cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, deviled eggs, quiche, hash browns, bacon wrapped shrimp, steak, and scallops, lil smokies in crescent rolls...mmmm.

My cousins came too, my cousin Jenny (who is Cooper's real mom) and her brother Josh and his GF Ryan who just had a baby 3 days before.  Baby Avery is so cute and little!  My grandpa got Sawyer this stuffed dog that you plug into the computer and download your baby's name so he can talk to you and teach the baby how to spell his own name.  You can also program a certain amount of minutes of bedtime songs so they can fall asleep to them- its awesome!  Here are a few other pics from the morning:

Cooper on the horse


Coolest toy ever

Grandpa and Sawyer

Josh w/ Avery, Destiny w/ Cooper, and Me w/ Sawyer

Avery again
We then went down to my Aunt Kandi and Uncle Dennis's house in Sumner for their annual open house.  They had like every kind of food you can think of, and we all ate too many desserts.  It was basically just family and friends dropping in all day. So many people come that they make name tags explaining who you are.  My dad ended up with a few too many by the end of the day, along with an award for finally mounting his TV up on the wall.
Name tags for ex: Andy's says "Dennis's niece Amy's Husband"

My salmon ever
We went back to my parents house late that night and made Xbox avatars so it can show us when we play kinect, and then we watched despicable me.



Me (they dont have long hair ones)



Sawyer's last pair of christmas clothes.  he didnt even get to wear 2 outfits.

Today we went to SugarBabies and got Sawyer a couple pairs of Babylegs and a hat.  I was looking for some cute ones for his pictures we are getting done, but most of the hats are for a little bit older.  That place is great for little girls though!  We went to Babies R Us and found 2 button-up shirts and a sweatervest that will fit him for the pics though that were on a good sale- like half off.  I can't wait to get the pictures done!  I also discovered that there is a HUGE Forever 21 in the tacoma mall now with many floors that i cannot wait to go to so i can have a new outfit for the pics as well!

Overall, good first christmas for Sawyer i think, not that he had the slightest clue what went on, and fun for the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. 0h my gosh!! we made kinect characters too!!! i will take pictures just like yours and post them on my blog b/c it was such a cute idea!!!thanks for the wonderful book!
