Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The boys had their doctor appointments today.  Sawyer was really excited for some reason.  Last time we went they were sick about a month ago and Sawyer wasn't very cooperative (not that he would say "no" but he just looked like a sad pathetic little thing and wouldn't do what he was asked like to open his mouth.)  I informed him that we were going to the doctor today and he got all excited and said "I'm not going to throw up!"  Good.  Having Kellan make a mess on the table with his diaper off and Sawyer throwing up at the same time on the chairs was not a fun experience.

We got there (Andy picked up the boys and met me) and when their names were called Sawyer asked our nurse Theresa, "Are you checking up on me?".  She brought us to our room and we took Sawyer out to get measured.  He loved it.

He was 33 lbs (65%) and 39 inches (75%)

Next was Kellan
16lb 11oz (70%) and 26.5 inches (80%)

Kellan had a runny nose and was hungry so he wasn't happy to get checked.  He was even angrier when he got a mouth vaccine and 4 shots.

He's been a sad little thing all day because he has a little fever from the shots and is exhausted.  Janelle sent me this picture.

Hopefully he feels better tomorrow at Grandma's and it's only a half day.

1 comment:

  1. They are growing growing growing! I will add their measurements to my "growing board" LOL
