Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow day

It is the second one I've posted today, but I wanted to blog about our snow day!  It has been snowing all day off and on and is supposed to continue through Tuesday.  We put Sawyer in his snoveralls and went to play this morning.

He kept saying "BUBBLES!" 

Then, Andy made a lasagna from scratch and our friends Krissy and Leslie came over.

When they left we bundled up Sawyer and took him for a walk around the neighborhood in his sled. It was so cute because he kept yelling WEEEEEE!  I spun him around so fast at the start that he wanted out, but he liked just going along for a ride.

Oh, by the way, here is a view out the front window of our drive home last night...this is I-5!!! Here is one of the higher visibility spots because of the street lights

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