Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ice Ice Baby


It has been nuts the past few days.  An ice storm caused about half the trees out there to break and most of Puyallup was out of power for at least one day, some are still out.  We spent the first night at my parents' house since they still had power, but the next 2 nights they were out and we had it...but our cable and internet went out!  It was awful because my work was powerless so I had to stay home just me and Sawyer with NO TV OR INTERNET.  Even my phone internet wasn't working.  I had never been more bored in my life.  It was tough doing nothing all day. It was the longest 2 days of my life!  I was close to tears! Poor Sawyer didn't have any friends either and he started getting antsy too, but the roads were too bad to go driving around...not to mention the stoplights were all out so it would take forever.  Luckily the cable just came back on, the lights are on at work, and the roads are clear (apart from a few stoplights still out) so hopefully next week is better!

I will post later on what we did the past few days, but here are some pics of the ice storm.

HAHA our Christmas tree is still in the yard

These are blades of grass!

Poor rhododendrons, I had to kick the ice chunks off.  I figured a kick was less dangerous than heavy snow breaking the whole plant 

I hope all our new trees survive

1 comment:

  1. Ok Amy, I'm going to tell you this ONCE... I LIVE TWO DOORS DOWN!!! I seriously felt trapped and overwhelmed too, so next time you need company come on over lol! That's what neighbors are for :)On the bright side, I'm SO FREAKING GLAD we have power and internet again! I've had it with that snow storm.
