Thursday, December 22, 2011


When I went to pick up Sawyer yesterday I found this.  I'm super jelly because he never sleeps on us like that!

We put him on a blanket and we both took a little nap on the floor.

We saw those Cookie Monster slippers when we went to get the mail every day last week while my parents were in Hawaii.  He kept yelling "Cookie! Cookie!"  every time he saw them and would try to pull the tags off. I didn't know if they were for him or not so I had to kep taking them away.  Yesterday my mom gave them to him and he LOVES them.  She said he didn't take them off the entire time he was there :) He tried to go outside with them but she didn't let him get them dirty.

I also found this while I was there.  To mom and dad, love Sawyer.  He even helped wrap it and apparently was pretty amused by the tape.  That's his little handprint on front.


  1. those are so cute. I can't believe how big he is. He's going to have fun this Christmas.

  2. I'm "jelly" too! Andy and Davey had Ernie/Burt slippers when they were little too. Sesame Street lives ON!
