Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow and a birthday

First things first, we woke up to go get my parents from my aunt Irene's house and we found a nice surprise outside- Sawyer looked confused.
It snowed throughout the day and am glad I just work across meridian from my house, because driving on ice is no fun- it is supposed to get colder tomorrow and continue snowing....and as much as people from other people make fun of our drivers "not knowing how to drive in snow", it is mostly because we don't have snow plows, and only the main roads get graveled with i think only a total of like one truck so it is pretty dangerous!
P.S. Did you know MONSON upside-down is NO SNOW lol

On the way home we got to look at the condo that we *might* get the chance to move to.  It is by the DQ when you first get to Bonney Lake.  My aunt and uncle are buying it and are offering it to their granddaughter's mom, but not sure she wants it so we might get the chance to snag it.  They just want to charge like $500/mo. for it!  We are paying $1050 right now, so cutting it in half is pretty sweet.  It is just 2 bedrooms so we would lose that plus our garage, but for that small amount a month it is worth it..  Plus the kitchen is nicer than ours- it looks like the drawers can actually open nicely.  We are crossing our fingers!

Now for the party! Cooper's first birthday party was today! It was fun, but loud. He didnt like his cake though, it was funny.  We think it might be because he just ate a corndog so he wasn't hungry. He seemed to like his presents though.  I can't believe he is a year old already.  It seems like just yesterday he was living with us in the house downtown.


  1. Those are really cute pictures! Who woulda thought monson upside down is no snow hahaha love it!

  2. hahahaha i like monson upside down. legit last name
