Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fragile Bones :)

We had our first Fragile Bones Council tonight. (That name is based off a Balderdash acronym lol.) We went to Jake and Tyrell's house with the Webbs and Jensens.  I just have to say that their house is beautiful! I am very very jealous.  Not only is it a nice house (the tile floor was heated), but we were talking about all the cool little crafts Tyrell did and decided she needs to have some craft days to teach us so we can decorate our own places like that.  I love doing that type of stuff, but feel like my time, finances, and imagination are just not up to standards to do things like that.  I hope we end up doing the craft thing though because I'd like to take pride in our home but I feel like the second anyone steps in the door, all they see is that ugly couch. (We're working on that one.) They can venture into the kitchen and see our awful cabinets that don't open properly.  We try to decorate with photos, but with such a small space, and all the pictures are of us, it is a bit overwhelming.  It is also nice to have friends that are in the same spot we are- being pretty young and married and wanting or having kids already.  It seems like most of my friends still just want to go out all the time and what-not and it is nice to have fun doing things like board games- it is way more fun if you ask me!  We played last word and it was so funny that my mouth hurt from laughing so much.  The babies Sawyer and Everett had a slumber party and I will post the cute little pictures of them if i get them (hopefully Tyrell sends them this way wink wink) :)  Now it is time for bed, Sawyer is seeing Uncle Davey and Aunt Moraima tomorrow and we are going to our friends' church in Lynnwood because Vicki and Macks are engaged and I guess they are announcing it to the congregation :)


  1. 1. WE should have an arts and crafts day with tyrell... lets plan it.
    2. we are on the same page as you. we have tons of pictures of us to decorate but it can be overwhelming because the apartment is not the biggest
    3. we love out friends too lol
    4. i think everyone looks at other people houses/apartments/condos and feel a little jealous. after we came home from your place... i told nate i wanted to move next to you guys.
    5. Tyrell does rock at decorating
    6. the babies were cute!! lol

  2. I'll totally e-mail the pictures to you. Whats your e-mail? Thanks so much for coming.... we really had such a fun time!
