Friday, November 12, 2010

New things

First of all, I am starting a photo blog. It will not be updated as much, but it will be a place that I store my pictures that I have edited and taken for more than just capturing family moments (plus i tend to not edit them for this one). The address is

Now on to Sawyer's new things.  So far he eats carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and peas.  And apparently applesauce that Destiny's mom threw in his bottle without telling anyone and I was flipping out when I smelled a weird bottle and nobody knew where it had come from.  I was very relieved when she called her mom and found out what it was lol.  Every time we feed him, the first bite, he eats it really slow and makes this bad-tasting face.  Then he will open his mouth for more and eat like a pig for the rest of the bowl like he never had an issue.  We fed him peas for the first time yesterday.  I will say that I cannot stand peas and was secretly hoping he hated them.  The first bite he ate it, did his little face, then squeezed his face into the funniest thing i have ever seen and shook his head vigorously.  I thought that he hated them and did a silent cheer, but then he opened his mouth for more and ate like a pig as usual with no weird faces at all. Darn.  Maybe it was my face at first.  Destiny told me that Cooper only eats peas for other people, but Erik told her that he probably hates them when she feeds him peas because she hates them and makes a disgusted face the whole time.  This boy has not had any problems with eating anything yet (even when he was a month old and we fed him orange pedialyte. I guess he is just like his daddy....which means he will eat anything but Sun Chips :( I love Sun Chips.

Sawyer is also getting a Jumperoo!  I googled it to find reviews and one for $65 came up at  I got excited and waited for today (pay day).  He needs somewhere to go that doesnt require him to lay or sit down because he wiggles himself out of them and gets annoyed.  I figured it was time for a jumperoo because he has started swinging himself into the doorway in his Johnny Jump Up; plus it doesnt allow for toys.  I went to Big Lots to see if they had them cheaper (nothing at all there), then walmart by the South Hill Mall and they only had one that was the same brand but different style for $90. Ugh.  We went to the one by our house and they had the same thing.  Target had a different one (same brand) for the same $90 so I decided we just had to buy online :(  Which means waiting longer.  Normally i'd say screw it, but $25 is a lot and I think he can wait lol.  We also got him 2 funny shirts.  One is "baby's first thanksgiving" and it has jars of baby food labeled "turkey" "peas" etc.  The other is "Daddy's little elf". Oh, and he got a crinkly elephant toy that he just loved.

I wish i could put on here that I have a new car on here but we havent talked to my insurance guy or the car place to see how much the payments would go up.  My parents are going to Hawaii (yes, again) next week so my mom said i can drive her car at least.  This is getting old!  My mom has had to drive me to work, and my dad picks me and Sawyer up.  I have had to find lunch in our parking lot which consists of Target, Big Foot Java, Qudoba, Sushi, and the Ram (which takes too long and pricey). So i had Qudoba 3 times in a row, and i dont even like it, and today i only had a bagel and small coffee.  I wish i liked sushi. Grrr. Hopefully this will be straightened out this week.

Today, me and a girl Charlene at work were watching youtube videos of digital makeup and touch-ups so i took a picture of myself and changed my eyes and stuff.  This is what i ended up with:

Sorry that was so long! I better feed the bean and hit the sack since we have to be up at 5:45 to drive my parents to the airport (luckyyyy).  They had never been to Hawaii their whole life until a few years ago, and they've been like 6 times since then.  I am so jealous! They go like twice a year!

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