Monday, September 27, 2010

Ponytails and Pacifiers

I found a pacifier on the coffee table last night. It was almost bed time.  I went to put it in his bed since it seems like we can never find one when it is time for bed.  There was already one in there.  I went to set it down, and I also saw 2 on my night stand and 1 on my dresser. Hmmm. Why does it seem like whenever we dont need one, there are tons (he has 2 orange ones, 4 little blue ones, 2 green ones that are next size up of the blue ones, 2 nuk ones from the hospital, and 1 gummy one from the second hospital trip), but the second we need just one, there are none of them around and i cannot find them anywhere- even in the usual spots (his bed, diaper bag, and top of car seat head rest).  I noticed this same phenomenon with my ponytails and bobby pins.  When i want my hair down they are EVERYWHERE.  I've bought like 4 packs, each having like 30 rubberbands, so i know they exist, but when i want my hair up all i can find are 2 super stretched out ones. I think the same little gnome things that take your 'other sock' are the ones stealing my ponytails and Sawyer's pacifiers. :(

Part 2: We got a bill from the place that tested Sawyer's hearing in the hospital.  UGH. $230!!! All they did it see if he responded to beeps.  I KNEW he could hear because when someone would make a noise he would jump.  And what if he couldnt hear? I would teach him sign language.  I think i know enough sign language to cover him until he is about 4.  I definitely would not have approved if i knew i had to pay that much.  So lame :( I also think it is weird that insurance doesnt cover that.  It seems like a normal "check up" thing to do which is normally covered 100%. I am also annoyed that i still have the bill from his 'circ' to pay because insurance covered NONE.  That one is really dumb because the health org (whatever its called) suggests it because it reduces the risk of STD's and almost eliminates the infection that can be caused if you dont. You think they would cover at least a little bit :(  I havent received anything from his second hospital visit though so i'm hoping my "out of pocket" limit was maxed so i dont have to pay anything...i'm not holding my breath though.

Part 3: Here is a picture i took this morning when we got to Megan's to drop him off at 'daycare'. He was sleeping like this! He has been so tuckered out since he has been sick all week.  I am now too and it definitely sucks.  Neither of us can breathe and i am sure he has the same drowsiness and headaches that i have.  Poor guy. 


  1. :( I know what you mean about 'not being able to find something when you need it, but when you don't need it, there they are lol'

    Sorry you guys are sick :( that is no fun

    Also!! sorry about the $$$. I mean Nate and I had to recently pay a couple we know for a paking ticket Nate got 3 years ago LOL sound familiar? haha

  2. I keep getting the same $230 bill for his hearing test too. I have called my insurance company a BILLION times and they said they made an "exception" because I complained so much and they would process the claim within 10 days. He is 4 months old now and I just got another bill today. I am so mad too.
