Monday, September 13, 2010

Gross Spider

I was wiping off the counter and i found the biggest spider i have ever seen in a house. I don't kill things, but i planned to make my second bug-kill to save Sawyer. I went to squish it and it didnt move. I think it might have been dead already.  I squished it anyway for good measure.  Here's the was stuck to a lint roller!  Pretty sure it couldnt escape! I took a picture of it before throwing that piece of roller away.

On a lighter note, Sawyer was super smiley just now while i was writing that so i went to take some pictures....the flash just caused a bunch of funny faces/pictures so here they are :)

Oh and i did a cool edit today that reminds me of kind of dreamy so i'll post that too. I guess today is a mash-up of posts :)


  1. Ok, YUCK! I HATE SPIDERS! Hate hate hate. Moving on.... those pictures of Sawyer are so adorable! He is SUCH a cute little guy!
