Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We got the Bumbo today! Thanks Nicole (and Megan and Elise and Cay). It took 2 targets and we nabbed the last one in a color that wasnt pink or purple lol!  Not quite sure his head is ready for full-time Bumbo-ing, but we are going to practice.  I can hold him and he can keep his head up, and he can hold himself up and his head is strong, but we have yet to master the sitting up head holding up. Here he is:

And here he is while he is sneezing lol. Lucky picture ;)

And here is another picture for fun that i found cute holding daddy's hand.  His hands are so small they barely wrap around his finger! It would be like me grabbing andy's arm!


  1. he is all grown up lol, i remember holding him when we was 3 hrs old lol

  2. Is it weird that I love your little soy bean? He is so dang cute!

  3. Super cute! You should post those pictures on the Bumbo Facebook page: www.facebook.com/BumboUSA

  4. Yay!!! I hope he loves it and it makes some things easier for you guys. Cute little guy!
