Monday, September 20, 2010


My first full-time day= complete! Yuck. I do not like being at work 8.5 hours after being used to having half days/2 months off. It was nice just sitting around or playing with Sawyer all day. I have to keep full time though because i pay $80/month for medical/dental for us and if i went to part-time it would be a couple hundred :(!!!! Maybe it will be cheaper when Andy is a teacher. And now, since i pretty much finished the "make up" work that everyone screwed up while i was gone, work will be REALLY boring. I guess i will start playing words with friends (iphone app) again. Username: MonsonAC if anyone plays lol. And you will definitely see me on Yahoo!Answers for hours. I'm pretty negative today, but i'm tired so I have an excuse. Plus Sawyer is a little sick, he's had a lot of mucus lately and he chokes on it and sniffles. I feel like i need more vacation already lol.  I think we will go visit Erik in Pullman soon at WSU...apparently they have good ice cream there (we missed their hours last time) and maybe watch some Cougar football (they might actually win this year).  G'nite errbody!

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