Monday, November 28, 2011

pics, cake, and packing

Saturday I got to take Christmas pictures for Natalie's family.  Though this time, instead of her fairy daughters, I did the entire family...and her sister's...and her brother's.  It was overwhelming!  It seemed like there was always someone not looking, or smiling, or blinking. It is tough to get that many people in one picture too...I was in the bushes haha! I hope they like them.  She actually paid me for them, too.  It's the first time I've been paid for pictures so pretty exciting after all the practice I've done. (I'm getting paid for that wedding this week too, EEK! :)   We did it at the park again.  My brother found a cool dairy but her niece had to work right after and couldn't drive to Spanaway.
The cousins

That evening we went to my parents to eat leftovers and went to Destiny's ex-coworker's boyfriend's parent's house (got that?) and scored some SWEET deals.  We got a baby swing, boppy bouncer seat, carseat, walker (even though it is Pooh, and Des and I effing hate Pooh), and BRAND NEW crib...all for $60!  They said it was cheaper to sell it for cheap and get rid of it than to ship it across the country to their owner. We have extra space at the house to store it until we have another bebe or Destiny and Erik have one.  My mom has the crib set up at her house so Sawyer can nap in there instead of the pack-n-play. Heck yes!

Sunday was Brea's birthday party.  I can't believe she is one already!  We ate pizza and she made a mess and got too many cute clothes.  Ashley said to get 2 or 3T but I don't believe it.  She was smaller than Sawyer and he can still wear 12 month pants and half his 18 month shirts are still too big!  She is going to have to roll up all of the sleeves I guess haha.  They are definitely cute clothes though. I'd wear half of them!

Sawyer stole B's new toy

She didn't want to eat it so Ashley smashed her hand in it. She wanted the cheeto

We spent Sunday afternoon packing up the downstairs stuff.  Our office had a ton of stuff, it was quite the task!  I am hating Bank of America right now.  We are hoping we will have somewhere to live this Thursday, but the lady isn't calling back.  I am so ticked but Andy's calling back tomorrow.  Everyone said you aren't buying a house unless you have a few crises though. This is a big one. I guess we will just wait...again...


  1. #1 super cute picture of the cousins.
    #2 LOL to the effing hating pooh... because I do too!
    #3 good luck on the house. I really hope it all works out soon! (preferably before December!)
    #4 nice job on teaching beans how to eat an olive properly :)
    #5 love the family pic on Thanksgiving. I love looking back on pictures of the whole family from when I was a kid... I can't seem to gather everybody up for one.

  2. We had alot of problems right before we moved into our house too! I thought we would never move in, right when I was starting to think it wasn't going to happen anytime soon it did. So don't give up! Let's pray Sawyer doesn't learn how to climb out of his crib soon LOL around a year and a half Grayson did and we couldn't get him to stay in it again! He wouldn't even sleep in the toddler bed once we converted it, we just barley had to buy him a twin bed so he would stop trying to sleep with us or on the floor of his room. Amy you take some great pics, good luck at the wedding this weekend! And your crazy Pooh rocks :P
