Thursday, November 3, 2011

big guy

Sawyer's getting big.  Well, I suppose he's grown since he was born.  It just seems like he has started learning things at warp speed lately.

We went to his 15 month appointment (which I guess was only a month ago but feels like forever) and he had a few words under his belt, but she told us that before our 18 month check-up he would say a lot more.  I was like "yeah, ok" at the time but she was not lying.

Sawyer has gone from mama, dada,  his own forms of grandma and grandpa, hi, bye, dog and ball to at least trying to pronounce anything.  He knows Ernie and Elmo (well, "Melmo"...he LOVES melmo), now says mommy and daddy instead of mama and dada, airplane, bubble, gentle, kitty (meow), dog (woof woof), hello, hi, bye-bye, dog-dog (his stuffed toy), peepee (thanks andy), night-night, baby, out, up, ready go (this sounds like weh-ee GO though), yes, juice, ball, grama, grampa,  papa, apple, diaper, no (he answers most questions i ask with the cutest little "no"), and I am probably missing some because he surprises us every day with words we didn't realize he knew. He tries to say most words we ask him too also. He also is a little more obeying like standing up/sitting down when we ask, coming over when we call, etc.

It is so crazy how so much can change in a month!  He is starting to pretend and act more and more like an actual person.  It is pretty exciting! I can't wait to see what else he learns in the next few months!

Here's our big guy playing in the leaves.  Its kind of grainy because it was actually pretty dark out.


  1. I love his expressions. I also love learning what I have to look forward to=D

  2. I KNOW! It seemed like in just the few days I was with him a couple of weeks ago, I could tell he was learning language at warp speed! He just brings so much joy and delight! Thanks so much for sharing!
