Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sounders! X X X

Yesterday (Saturday) i spent the entire day reading Mockingjay. I forgot it was so depressing and of course more people are going to die (especially since its the last in the trilogy). BUT we had a Sounders game. We went with Jill and Nate but our seats werent close. It was such a good game to watch...very crowd-involved.  Freddie Ljungberg was on the other team and everyone booed when he had the ball. I didnt boo because that is a waste and i dont hate him, i'm just glad we traded him since he didnt really do much at all this season besides yell at the refs. This ref was pretty bad though. He called a handball  which resulted in a PK for Chicago that wasnt even a handball- i was sitting right by it. Some guy kicked it at his body and it went out of got them a point for no reason! I thought Andy was going to have a heart attack though because he was so angry all game...there were a ton of bad calls.  Montero headed it in literally in the last minute though and we won! We wanted them to score 3 goals because Andy needs a haircut (you get a free one at great clips if they score 3 goals) but i guess a win is good enough haha. On the way home we picked up Beanie from Destiny's and she had given him a bath and now he smells REALLY good. I wonder what soap she uses. Anyway, here are a couple pictures from the day: