Thursday, August 26, 2010

birth story (since we are always asked)

I know it has been two months, but we didnt have a blog then. Since so many people ask for it, and it is still fresh in my memory (as much as the whirlwind of a day can be) i will post it to remember. Here is the exciting 3 hour story lol.

It was about 10:30 in the morning. I was 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant. We were laying in bed watching the world cup on a sunday morning.  I felt a pop like how it feels when you pop a bone. It kind of felt like he kicked me really hard. I had plenty of those, but the pop was a little weird (later our sister in law said it was probably my pelvis or something). Oh well. I stood up for some reason or another and felt like i was wetting my pants. I heard that could happen to pregnant women so i told andy "i gotta go to the bathroom" and ran to the toilet (a whopping 15 feet away). It had stopped. I checked the damages and found goo. Anyone informed about pregnancy knows about the "mucus plug". I assumed that is what had happened since it hadnt even gone through to my pants, and the water breaking stories i've heard would definitely wet your pants and possibly the floor. I figured what i had was just a side effect of the mucus plug. I pulled out my "what to expect when you're expceting book" and it said it can happen a few weeks before your baby is coming. Sounds about right- he was due in a little over 2 weeks.

Slowly though, i started feeling this constant pain that was really low. It was kind of getting worse so i took a shower. Still there. Mom called as it was father's day and we needed to know the plan. I told her my situation and basically she said that she remembered contractions being her whole stomach contracting, and i just had a really low pressure feeling, but pain isnt a good thing so call the doctor to be safe.

The doctor didnt answer. Awesome. I guess i'll be fine. Oh wait, i got ahead of myself, that is the doctor now.  He was some guy on call i had never met but as i started to tell him what was going on, he interrupted me and said to just go to the hospital to get checked out to be safe. I told Andy. "Do i have time to take a shower?" umm i guess? He got in the shower and i dried/straightened my hair and put makeup on.

We were all ready to go. "Should i bring the carseat?" andy asked. "Umm no, but we should bring the phone charger in case we have to stay.  I had heard of so many people going in thinking they were in labor and just sent home, and i didnt even think i was. However, i thought something might be wrong and knew i might have to stay if it was.  Plus, the carseat was still in the box.  We werent due for 2 weeks, and everyone kept saying over and over "the first one comes late and labor lasts a lot longer".

It started to hurt more on the way to the hospital. Some times more than others- contractions were starting to arrive. I thought they were supposed to appear a long time before, and be able to time them. This wasnt the case at all. We got to the labor and delivery (luckily on a drive the day before we decided to swing by to see where it was for when the time came) and the lady says "have you pre-registered? Ummmm what? No, we just need to get checked out because i'm in pain. She was young. An older nurse brought me a wheel chair and said i could go lay on a bed and we'd sign papers there.

In the room, nobody came for at least like 10 minutes, then the young girl appeared with papers for me to sign. I said "can't he sign them?" she said no. It hurt and i didnt care what i was signing. "Cant someone come look at me now?" She said "oh yeah i'll find someone".  A nurse finally came in.  She "checked me" to see if i was dilated. "When did you say the pain started? An hour or two ago? I think you are dilated to a 5, its hard to tell, but youre definitely having a baby today."  Uhhhh what???? She asked if i wanted an epidural. YES! She said she'd go get it set up right away and have someone else check since it was hard to tell. Andy went to call my mom and she said call back when i was at a 7 because my grandparents were on their way over.  The next lady came in and said "um, you're at an 8! i'll let you digest this now: you're not getting an epidural and we need to call the doctor now"  I looked at andy and said "i cant do that" and started to cry. I was so scared! He went to call my mom and told her the situation. She left immediately.

The nurses started bringing in all the equipment and i was getting scared, not to mention i was in really bad pain, made worse by the monitors they strapped to me. They kept telling me to breathe, but it was impossible to get a breath in, especially with a monitor strapped around me. I physically couldnt breathe in more than little pants. Suddenly i had to push, and i told them that. They said to wait for the doctor. I told them i couldnt. They said try your hardest. I literally was crossing my legs like you do when you try not to pee but you really have to go but you can feel it start. I thought he was going to slip out!  I asked the nurse if she could catch him. "I can, but i really shouldnt and would rather not, the doctor is almost here"  "ooh shes in the parking lot, 15 seconds!"  Suddenly Dr. Knowles runs through the door sweating, dives into her outfit, and puts out her hands. Well funny, even though the contractions were like every 30 seconds, it was an off time.  We wait a few more. Ok now i get to push!

A few contractions of pushing later (probably 3?) which i admit i was so scared of him coming out i kind of stopped when i felt him get close, and she said he is losing oxygen and i need to get him out next time or they will vacuum him out. Uh oh. Meanwhile i keep telling andy not to watch but he said he cant avoid it because he was holding my right leg lol. The next contraction came a few seconds later and i made sure he came out. Andy goes "LOOK LOOK! HES HERE" and i looked and there was a floppy pale baby at 1:45pm. "LOOOK!" Geez andy, i know. He made a little crying noise. They took the floppy thing and rubbed him in the blanket really quick and set him on my stomach.  He just sat there looking at me. He was all warm and a stranger and i didnt know what to do with him! He didnt cry or anything, just stared at me. It was so weird.

They took him and said "do you have a camera?"  UHHHH NO. We ran out the door. OH we have a camera phone. Andy cut the cord (which was really really short and the reason he was losing oxygen was because it was getting stretched out as he moved down) So we got a pic of her weighing him. 7lbs, 6oz. As I got stitched up (a product of him coming so fast) andy went out to see my mom and destiny & cooper. "He's here!"  They were shocked. He came back in to see me and after i finished getting stitched in came my mom, destiny and cooper, and my dad and grandma and grandpa. It was weird that i had just done all that and they just come in to meet him. I felt weird but they said i didnt even look like i had a baby. I guess it was only an hour or two from the time i had put my make up on to the time he came out.

We had christine bring our carseat, some outfits, camera, and that type of thing.  I can't believe we went from watching soccer in our bed with nothing going on to having a baby in 3 hours.  They said the next babies come faster so i'm going to have to move into the hospital a month before my due date lol. They kept asking over and over "you said this was your first?"  I dont lie ladies! Jeez. :( They also kept asking "youre sure your water didnt break?" and i told them again my little bathroom story before. Again, i'm not lying! They said i'm a baby machine and can have 12 more. Um, no thanks.


  1. Wow Amy I am exhausted just hearing about it all! You are amazing! I am glad you wrote it all down, because you think you will remember and slowly the details just slip away. Typically though...everyone says your first is your fastest and they get faster blah blah, my experience and talking with my sister in laws about 32 grandbabies... each time is different and you can't really just plan on what others have gone through. My experience with my 3rd baby she was born 15 minutes sooner than my 1st. My 2nd was 2 hours longer than my 1st and 3rd. All you can do is prepared by about 37 weeks because you are definitely a wild card missy. :)

  2. I LOVE this story too! Amy thanks for sharing! I have heard this story already from you guys, but I love it so much and all the detail!! You are a baby machine and you have really really cute babies so you better have at least 11 more!!

  3. INSANE! Jill told me the story and I still can't believe it.
