Monday, August 23, 2010

Random thoughts

I had a bunch of random thoughts today, so i am wondering if i can remember them all to post. Here is my attempt :)

-I went into work today to pay for andy's phone (we have to pay for the internet, only the minutes are free on his phone) and everyone was surprised i was going to be back this week.  I looked at the schedule, and it still had "baby" listed for my schedule for awhile. I stopped and thought "Hey, i dont have to come back already- they havent even planned for me" but then i realized that isnt really a good way to go. My paid leave runs out this week, and it would be too hard to try the one-income thing after these hospital bills keep rolling in.  There are good things and bad things about it. The bad thing is, i have to drive Beanie to his babysitter/daycare/whatever everyday.  We have to pay (though not a ton), use up time and gas, and he isnt with us for most of the day.  I would think it will start to get sad seeing him do things without either of us there this is a big negative, but i am encouraging myself with all the good things about me going back to work: he will meet other baby friends at Megan's, we will have a lot more money, good and very cheap insurance, i will get adult conversations in all day (it has been hard enough being with just a baby all day), and work is actually pretty fun.  As i was leaving, Ernie (my co-worker) said "Its been a mess without you, you definitely have your work cut out for you when you get back". Uh-oh. At least its good to feel needed.

-Bean and i went on a walk with "aunt Julie" today and it was fun. I love going on walks and having people to go with!

-Andy starts school again on monday. He is SO excited. It has taken him forever, but he wasnt really encouraged like a lot of us to attend school. In his family it was mostly "go on a mission after high school, and that's all that matters, and we dont really talk about beyond that"...well i guess until you get married in the well we missed that second one. But he has decided to be an English teacher and is really excited about it. He is just a bit depressed that it took so long, and now our family has to make sacrifices.  I cant blame him though, the troubles to why it took so long were mostly financial, and i had parents that offered to pay tuition for me and i know i was lucky. I am just happy he is finally doing something he wants with his life and is excited for and will make a difference in other people's lives. I am sad that he will be gone all day (he goes to school in the morning, and works until the evening). I think we will survive though. Maybe i can learn to cook and have dinner for him when he gets home :)

-I am going to have a really hard time getting up for work.  My schedule has moved so that i go to bed at midnight-one ish and wake up at like 11am. I'm going to have to get up to take Bean out to Megan's at like 7:30....ugh.

-I cant believe how so many people can be so crafty.  Not that i dont have it in me, but i went to buy some paper to write thank-you notes on and each piece of paper for scrapbooking is $.80-$1.50 for a piece of paper. All of the supplies and cute little cut out shapes were really pricey too! Like as in $5 for a sheet of stickers.  I dont get how people who have time to do all this (meaning they probably dont have jobs because it is very time consuming) can afford to do so many projects. Lucky!

-I am kind of sad that i wont have time to go to the gym now that andy is doing the work/school thing. Well i know i can still go really early in the morning, but i just wanted to do Zumba, and all the classes start between 5-8:00 and he wont be home to watch the baby by then :( I was kind of looking forward to doing that again after i didnt have an enormous stomach.

-We are SOO lucky to have a baby that doesnt cry. I mean he is capable of it, and does if we dont give him a bottle when he is hungry within a few minutes, but otherwise he doesnt. Yesterday he decided to, and he just did now...and he isnt hungry. I am afraid he is going to start.  I dont want him to be one to keep me up at night. As it is now, he just wakes up to eat for 10 minutes, then falls back asleep for a few more hours until it is time to eat again. He does that until 11am or later.

-Bean has graduated from his bassinet in the pack-and-play, to sleeping on the actual floor of it (in its highest position). He is growing up so fast lol. I still dont have the heart to move him into his bedroom though. Maybe when he doesnt have to eat as often.

-So i had ZERO stretch marks when my stomach was huge, but now a while after i have done a LOT of shrinking, i found a couple on my side and i am very angry about them.  I dont know why they didnt show up when i was actually stretched out! If they were there, I would have known. I used to search daily for any hint of one.  At least it wasnt that bad. I attribute my lucky stomach to my daily moisturizing of it, and my young and still-elasticy skin.

Ok, i think that is most of them. I am tired now and andy already went to bed. Thanks for anyone who actually read all of that! LOL

1 comment:

  1. 1. you DONT have an enormous stomach lol
    2. I want to go on a walk with you sometime
    3. your strecth marks werent bad.. I will show u mine as soon as i get prego

    4. i love ur hair lol (i dont think that was in ur blog but i just thought u should know!)
