Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rice is Nice

We decided we would try to feed Sawyer rice cereal today.  We went to Walmart and i was pleased to see it was less than $2.00. Woot!  Too bad we still had to buy a new formula box for $30.  We waited until it was time he was hungry and I proceeded to follow the directions on the box for the "Baby's first cereal feeding."  One tablespoon cereal with 4-5 tablespoons formula.  I was surprised to see they were little flake things.  I did four tbsp formula.  It looked like formula with lumps in it.  I thought it was going to be thicker. I put a little more in to try to make it thick enough so the spoon would be able to get some.  It wasnt much more and it didnt do much but I didnt want to hurt his stomach. We strapped on a bib (YAY! I was excited to finally get to use one) and gave the first spoon a shot.  I didnt realize he wouldnt know how to use a spoon.  He was used to bottles.  Maybe he isnt ready yet.  I tried a few times of shoving the spoon in and he would make an ugly face and it would drip out of his mouth.  He would then lick it off his lips though so that was funny.  It was also funny that in between spoons he would shove his hand in his mouth, but he still wasnt opening it for the spoon very much. I kept doing it hoping some would stay in, and after a little bit, he seemed to get a little better at it.  He would suck some off the spoon rather than waiting for it to come off his lips anyway.  I got a little excited thinking he would understand now, but then he started getting angry.  I think the problem was that he was really hungry, and small amounts of this wasnt doing anything for him. (He normally drinks bottles pretty quickly) I wanted to wait until he was hungry though because i didnt think he would open his mouth if he wasnt, but he waits to eat until he is starving.  I still had a ton left.  I had originally made a normal 5oz bottle, then took the formula out of the bottle to put in his cereal, but there was still a ton left in his bottle.  I just poured the rest of the cereal in with the rest of the milk in his bottle and threw one of the "fast flow" nipples on there (he normally uses level 2 nipples but we had level 3 (fast) from the baby shower).  He seriously inhaled that stuff. I was afraid too much might come out and he would choke or something but i think the cereal made it come out just right.  It was funny because the bottle had a little vibration from the lumps when he sucked on it.  I guess we will see how that turns out.  It might hurt his stomach.  I have read both ways of people saying dont put cereal in his bottle and others suggesting we do it so i said screw it and we will see what happens. It has been about 20 minutes since the bottle is over so hopefully he doesnt get too bad of a stomach ache or anything.  Maybe he will sleep longer too (it is 11 now so almost bed time)  We will keep practicing with the spoon everyday though for a while.  I think it was the spoon being the issue, not the actual stuff.  Here are a few pics of the mess lol :)


  1. That first feeding is always so interesting! It took both the girls quite a few times to get the hang of it, so don't be discouraged :) One day soon he will LOVE that spoon and anything on it!

  2. babies seem to never grasp spoons lol job well done
