Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bye summer :-/

It is getting cold out and it makes me sad.  I love warm weather.  I feel like I missed this very short summer because I had just had Sawyer and 1. I didnt feel like doing much 2. I didnt want to take him out in the sun 3. there isnt much yard to go out into even if I just want to lay outside.  Yesterday was really sunny and I got excited because today was one of my short days.  It should have been yesterday but it was manager rotation month so a mgr from another store had to come and they have Wednesday meetings.  Just my luck that today was cloudy.  I love the colors of fall though, i just wish the weather stayed nice.  When I was in Vegas it stayed warm until like November, but there weren't any leaves to look at.  They just kind of stayed on the few trees they had until they dried up and fell off dead.  The rest were palm trees and they always look the same.  I guess you have to swap the view for the weather :)  I think we are going to go hiking this weekend (supposed to be rainy- awesome) to catch the view while the colors are nice and before the snow hits.  I hope that works out- we just have to find someone to watch Sawyer I guess.  We are also going to Leavenworth/Wenatchee in 2 weeks so hopefully we can catch some leaves then as well.  We wanted to go to Leavenworth for awhile now but it has been Oktoberfest and I wanted to be able to walk through the shops without tons o' drunk people squishing Sawyer.  Luckily my mom offered to pay for our hotel if we drive and want to go with them on the 23rd, I guess we have more to look forward to.

Sawyer has been eating everything lately.  He always has his hands in his mouth (even when he isnt hungry), and if anything else is near such as a blanket or toy, he will grab that and shove it in his mouth.  It is kind of gross how wet everything is getting, but I am happy he is learning to grab things- even if it is just to shove in his mouth. I think I am going to try to give him some cereal soon.  Everyone said no solids until they are 6 months but tons of babies I know eat before that.  I think he will do fine because he eats everything else i give him.  I am guilty of dipping my finger in things and letting him taste.  I even let him suck on my licorice a bit yesterday and he was smiling so big i felt bad when i took it out again lol.  It isnt enough stuff to swallow though, just get used to licking it up.  I dont know if it is a product of always having his hands by his mouth, but he has started scratching his face up again.  This is extra annoying because they dont have the onesies with built-in fold-over mittens in his size.  They stop at 3 months and he is in the 3-6mo underwear now. I cut his nails down to nothing but he still manages to wake up with scratches sometimes :(

Tomorrow is Sawyer's last day at Megan's.  I am kind of sad because I like going there everyday and seeing the kids, and he would have other kids to play with, but it is so far away. I have to leave about 50 minutes before work to have time to drive to Spanaway and back.  Destiny lost her job though and it would be more convenient, and I think they would appreciate the money more since neither her nor my brother work.  It is nice because she lives right next to the freeway entrance so Andy can drop Sawyer off on his way to school in the morning and only be a few minutes out of the way, and I can go pick him up only like 15 minutes away.  He will get more attention too because Cooper still has to go to Child Haven, so it will just be him and Destiny most of the day. He can also play with Cooper when he gets back.  It will be nice to wake up an hour later each day.

Here are a couple pics i took yesterday.  I am getting better at eyes and taking off scratches off his face.

1 comment:

  1. i know how you feel about summer.. i feel like i missed it because i was in summer school.
    :( @ least you had a cute lil kid to play with. i would give anything to have a sweet baby.
