Wednesday, April 30, 2014


We went to Mt. Vernon today to look at the tulips before they disappeared.  I didn't have guitar this week and it also happened to be the last day of the festival so we thought we'd take advantage of the time.  We went to a garden, then a field.  It was the last day so there weren't many left (the fields were all done) but we couldn't get up any sooner this month.  We had fun though and they were SO pretty :)

The funny thing is, we got home with plenty of time that I could have gone to guitar had it not been an off week!  We took advantage of the perfect weather and did some work outside.  I weeded, Andy and the kids washed the cars, and then Andy mowed the lawn and weed-whacked the side and some of the back of the house (until his twine snapped).

Playing catch

Weed free 

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