Monday, December 9, 2013

Half of a day in a car.

We decided to go down to N. CA last minute.  I got 2 extra vacation days when I changed jobs, and Andy has a bucket of hours he had to use before the end of the year or they'd disappear.  About a week before, we decided we might as well go down there because it is a good vacation and didn't cost much (it's only about 2 tanks of gas each way and our tank is pretty small).  We thought it would work perfect to leave after work on Friday so the kids could sleep at night...but we didn't even think about going home.  We just knew we had to leave for work Wednesday morning at 5:45.

We ended up leaving around noon on Tuesday, not sure how the kids would be.  I was pleasantly surprised that they were perfect angels the whole way home.  I know it is hard to be trapped in a car for 12+ hours, but they took it like champions without whining.  I even drove from Mt. Shasta up until almost Portland (then I fell asleep for awhile because it was late).  We got home probably around 1:30 and I headed straight into bed. I wasn't even awake when Andy ended up in there.

We stopped at Leatherby's on the way out and Sawyer was so proud of his orange ice cream (orange is still his favorite color) he ate every single drop in the car- I was impressed with his spoon skills actually.

We took Kellan out at our stops to stretch.  Here is the fuzzy haired guy at a gas station.

 I laughed at this.  They have a Yolo county.

I couldn't ever tell if Kel was awake so I would put my phone back and take pictures to make sure he was doing ok.

I'm so glad we decided to go down, even if it was a lot of driving!  We had so much fun and loved seeing everyone :)

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