This week Andy and I both took work off for our anniversary. We had big plans of hiking overnight, Tulalip, Vegas, etc, but due to the falling of paydays, we just had a stay-cation.
(Warning, these are all pictures from my phone so they aren't the best quality.)
On Monday (our anniversary) we went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, the cheesecake factory (Yes Berners, we are still taking you lol). Andy had "the best hamburger" he's ever had, and I had some fry-bread chicken Navajo sandwich thing. Sawyer had a baby plate and some fries. Then we had the best cheesecake ever, banana. MMMmm.
On Tuesday we went to the batting cages to hit some fastpitch with my free coupons. I missed a couple but considering their bats are awkward shaped and heavier than crap, and it has been 7 years, I did pretty well. We also got Sawyer some new kicks now that he can walk and we can't let him go barefoot in parking lots. We went to Ivars afterwards, then I had practice.
Awful picture, but you can see his new shoes (i used to have the same ones lol) |
On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to go to Wild Waves theme park. It was one of the things we wanted to do this week but didn't want to spend the $80 to go. Luckily, my awesome mom found tickets at Costco and bought them for us for our anniversary! It was SO fun. We got to ride the new "riptide" which is when you drop down a steep hill on a tube and swirl around a bowl. We went so fast with the weight of Andy and me and made it around the bowl 4 times! (To compare, my brother and Des only made it twice around). I guess in some ways it pays to be heavier lol. We went down the hydro slides a bunch since there weren't ever lines for those (probably because you end up with a wedgie every time), found the biggest wave spot in the wave pool, and rode the major roller coasters and all the water slides. To end it all, we saw my favorite Sounder, Osvaldo Alonso there and said hello. Well, Andy yelled "hey ozzie! go sounders!" and he laughed really hard and said "yeah, go sounders!"
I did not take this picture, but it is Ben from the Jackie and Bender morning show going on my favorite ride, Riptide. |
On Thursday, we went to the Department of Licensing and I said goodbye to Green Car. He would cost too much to fix so I signed the car over to Andy's mechanic.
There's Green Car in the middle |
We then went to the hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Sumner "The Buttered Biscuit". A friend suggested it and after I found it on Yelp, it looked like a good place to go. BIGGEST MEAL EVER. And deadly. Really. The drinks were served in Mason Jars (cute.) First came a big cornbread with sweet frosting butter, then my breakfast came which included chicken fried steak, gravy, biscuits, eggs with ham, cheese and sausage, potatoes with peppers and onions, and it was all greasy and the size of my plate. To put into perspective, Andy finished his burger and helped me eat. After taking home the leftovers, we still had a late night snack, breakfast for the 2 of us, and another breakfast for Andy the next day. This could kill you but it was sooooo goooood. It was a good thing I had practice that night to burn off calories.
"Don't be a chicken" This pic doesn't do the size justice. The biscuits underneath were a couple inches tall. |
Cornbread! |
Tuckered out Beany with his squished cheek. |
On Friday we went to the park for a bit with Everett and Tyrell.

That evening we had a team meeting to elect our rugby executive board. We had to nominate and vote for President, VP, Treasurer/Fundraiser, Social Chair, Recruitment Chair, and Captain. We actually had to elect 2 captains, one for the forwards (the strong ones that are in the scrum and do most of the rucking) and one for the backs (the quick people that do most of the ball handling). I got elected captain for the backs! Which excited me because it meant I am officially a back now, since they had me hooking (a forward) most of last year and I don't like being in the scrums much (it is painful lol and the rest of the peeps were usually larger than me). We got a new coach and I'm glad he put me somewhere I think I am better. After that we met Erik and Des and my 'rents at our favorite family hang out spot, Famous Dave's happy hour.
It wasn't the vacation we had in mind when originally planning the week off months and months ago, but it was a nice break from work and got to spend some time together which is tough when we both work full time and stuff. I feel like Sawyer grew up a ton this week too, he is definitely acting like a toddler now.