Kellan has been a roller coaster the past few weeks. He is just what you'd expect for an almost two year old.
He is really talking much better now though. He says quite a few things pretty well, Sawyer's name is actually starting to sound like it. He even puts words together such as: I won, I want it, no _____, I want _____, that's funny, 3-2-1-blastoff (fwee, coo, one, blavaths), love you ("wuvoo" while crossing his harms in sign language) and I wanna play.
He loves Octonauts and says Kwazii, Peso, and Barnacles ("wazii, Ay-so, Buckles) and says Explore, Rescue, Protect (sore, recue, prockeck) and says "Yo Ho! Let's go!" from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
He doesn't have a huge vocabulary but says foods and drinks he uses a lot (milk, juice, bagel, apple, nana,..) Basics, like yes, no, night-night, bye bye, socks, shoes, shirt, hat, on, off, up, down, truck, go, mine, baby, drink, ball, etc. He will repeat things we ask him to say though. My favorite is when he goes "Heeeeyyyyyyyy" like when someone takes something of his.
He has had the hardest time sleeping. Sometimes he won't nap, and won't fall asleep until late. Andy has been driving him around at night to get him to fall asleep. He also likes to hit people thinking it is funny and seriously does not respect the word "no" even after trying to nicely tell him, shouting it to him, spanking, putting him in the corner, or anything.
He and Sawyer are still best buddies but they do argue over toys a lot.
He dances whenever there is music, loves to jump off things, and always moves the chairs over to the counter to get things he shouldn't be getting (or to take apples then take 3 bites out of them before hiding them places we find much later), always steals my drinks and won't eat his food but will eat all of mine of the same thing.
He is definitely a handful, but luckily he's cute so we keep him around.
Yep, he's biting his brother here because he wanted to lay down in the spot but Sawyer wouldn't move. I let them work things out themselves a lot. Pick your battles, you know? |
My coke he stole |