Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Fourth, 2012

Yesterday was Independence Day!  It is my favorite holiday!  Unfortunately I had to work :/  I was a bit bummed, but I was making $46.25 an hour so it was worth like no customers came in so there wasn't a lot of work involved.

Andy and Sawyer had an awesome start to their day.  Andy needed his chipped tooth fixed, so he headed down to Vancouver.  The awesome part was, they were having a parade!  His uncle's dentist office had a float, so Andy and Sawyer sat with Grandpa and watched.  He also got to go in a bounce house and get his face painted by Nina!  Andy said he loved running and getting the candy.

Preston and Aunt Kristi singing

Sawyer and grandpa

They got home soon after me, and we headed to my Aunt Irene's house at Lake Tapps.  I had uncles and cousins there and my family.

Water gun

my cousin peter telling him about the gun

Lilly trying to steal Sawyer's raquet

Learning badminton

My mom and Lilly

Sawyer showing off his life jacket

Peter went water skiing

Lilly likes to play with Sawyer a little TOO nicely.  She gives him hugs until he is getting strangled- we have to keep an eye on her when she tries to play with him.

We bundled up Sawyer and went out on the boat to get a view of the lake, and the big fireworks at the park as they built the fire

We were one of hundreds of boats waiting for the show

The moon looked awesome, it was huge!

A view towards the mountain

Some people even set off ones that had parachuters coming down, they started as lanterns.

Every house on the lake was lighting them off. Here is a view of the houses in the distance.

Sawyer just loved the professional one too.  He stayed up the whole time, even though we could tell he was tired.

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