This is a typical morning at our house, and happens to be this morning.
My alarm was set for 8:20. Sawyer was up so early this week that he fell asleep at like 7:45 last night, so I couldn't really expect him to sleep in.
Sure enough, I wake up to a yelling Beans. Maybe he'll stop? 5 minutes later says no. I walk in to find that his Holly car fell out. He always throws a fit if his cars fell out overnight. I get him out and Tell him it's still sleep time. He informs me "no, downstairs.". I say "no, bed" "no, downstairs" "no, bed, but you can play with your trains on mommy's floor." "ok."
Apparently trains aren't much fun for long, and he crawls into Andy's side and switches between closing his eyes and driving Holly on his tummy.
I flip on my other side towards him and open my eyes a bit. I notice he is staring at me. Eek! I close them really quick. Too late, he saw me. "mommy wake up" he continues to whisper over and over until I announce that I am indeed awake. Awake means rolling over. He takes Holly back to the train tracks.
I lay drowsy in the bed while he sends Holly down the ramp in the tracks. Apparently the classic "1,2,3, go" isn't enough for my little man. Nope, it's 16 for this guy. The problem is he can only count to 14 so it turns into 1-13, 14, 14, 14, go! A few rounds of this ensue.
He disappears downstairs for awhile. I wonder what he is doing, but too tired to move. He appears 10 minutes later with a pack of smarties from his Halloween bucket and asks me to "open it, pweeeeeese." Ok, if it will please you and I don't have to leave bed.
He runs around the room. He yells "mommy, watch this!" a phrase that is all too common lately to show me anything from him taking a sip of juice to dancing. He jumps off a squished box. I tell him "cool man." He runs over and hugs me and says "I love you so much!" "aww, I love you too buddy" He repeats. Overwhelmed by cuteness, I declare he can jump off boxes any day.
He asks me "what's this one?" for every color of smarties. I can't see much in the dark do I make one up. He informs me "no, pink" or another random color. I guess two year olds are smarter than me.
He feeds me smarties by setting them on the top of my hand and saying "you eat." Ok, time for me to get up. Commence normal "getting ready" routine.
I notice Sawyer has been gone awhile. I yell at him "where are you?" "downstairs!" "what are you doing?" "nufing!" Can't tell if suspicious, or really nothing. I inform him he needs to come back up.
Sawyer tells me "I need Chico" (Chico is Francesco from Cars 2) I ask where Chico is. He tells me "The store." Can you tell he likes going to the store? He knows he gets prizes.
I change Sawyer's diaper into underwear and put on his clothes. We start to walk out the door and he informs me "poo potty" "You need to go potty?" "Yes." He pees (thank goodness for easy clean up) and we finally get to leave.
We walk out the door. Even though Sawyer is wearing a jacket and hat, he informs me it is too cold. I agree. Someone turned on the cold yesterday and forgot to turn it back off. I have him crawl into his seat (thank goodness he can do this so I don't have to lift him anymore) and I buckle him in and we leave.
We drive into Silver Creek and as usual, he informs me the firetrucks are in the garage. Sometimes we are lucky and they are doing their checks and they are outside with their lights on. Not today.
I drop Sawyer off at Janelle's and he runs inside. He stares at me while I try to get him to say "bye". He never does. He runs off with the kids.
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